0,175 barrato, prezzo attuale 0,148 €/kWh*
Blocked for the first 12 months
9,50 €/POD/Month**
Direct debit from bank
Bolletta Web
*The discount is calculated on the price of the energy component (equal to €0.17/kWh) of the Enel Fix Luce offer plan reserved for customers who are already on the Free Market. The Enel Fix Luce offer plan for customers coming from the Protected Service instead provides for a price of the energy component equal to €0.10/kWh and a CCV Power equal to €12/POD/month.
**The price refers only to the energy component (VAT and taxes excluded) and is blocked for the first 12 months. This price includes network losses which are applied as defined, published and updated by ARERA.
***The price refers to the marketing and sales fee (CCV Luce) which, for the first 12 months of supply, will be equal to 114 €/POD/year (excluding VAT and taxes), to be paid on a monthly basis .
For information on all cost items, consult the technical and economic conditions of the offer.
The fixed price offer available online only!
15% discount on the price of the energy component and you save €30 on the marketing and sales fee (CCV) in the first year!
Bolletta Web included!
Price of the energy component blocked for the first 12 months
Why it is convenient
Choose a simple and convenient offer that can be activated only online: with Enel Fix Web Luce you have an advantageous price for the energy component and a marketing and sales fee (CCV) discounted by 15% and blocked for the first 12 months.
Clear contract
Enel Energia, with at least 3 months' notice, may communicate in writing the new economic conditions that will be applied. If the customer does not wish to accept the new economic conditions, he can withdraw from the contract by using a new supplier. The economic conditions of the offer are valid for registrations until 18/02/2025.