With reference to the meteorological events of May 2023 in Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Tuscany, Enel Energia has implemented the additional urgent measures envisaged by Arera resolution 565/2023 and subsequent amendments. to support the populations affected by the emergency situation.
For user bills active on 1 May 2023 in the Municipalities or fractions of Municipalities referred to in Annex 1 to Legislative Decree 61/23 relating to consumption for the months from May to October 2023 you can request the application of the tariff concessions provided for by the aforementioned resolution.
In order to benefit from these benefits, it will be necessary to send, by 30 June 2024, to your energy and gas supplier specific application (via declaration in lieu of deed notoriously rendered pursuant to Article 47 of Presidential Decree 445/00), with which it is declared that the home and/or headquarters have been compromised in their functional integrity as a consequence of the flood events that occurred in the month of May 2023 on the basis of the criteria defined by the Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction.
In particular:
- in the case of domestic users, the supply must refer to a home that has been compromised in its functional integrity on the basis of an eviction order or an evacuation order or suitable documentation issued by the territorially competent Municipality;
- in the case of non-domestic users, the supply must refer to a location which has been found to be compromised in its functional integrity on the basis of a sworn or sworn appraisal which certifies damage such as to make it necessary to reconstruct the property and/or its relocation, even temporary (damages referred to in letters a), b) c) and d) of article 3 of the ordinance of 25 October 2023, n. 11).
The appropriately completed application will then be returned to Enel Energia via one of our contact channels:
- Via Email: allegati.enelenergia@enel.com;
- At a Spazio Enel or Spazio Enel Partner: find the Spazio Enel closest to you.