In reference to the meteorological events that occurred in the month of November 2023 in Tuscany, Arera has foreseen, with resolution 519/2023/com and resolution 50 /2024/R/com, regulatory provisions containing extraordinary measures to support the populations affected by the emergency situation. In particular, it was arranged:
- the suspension of payment terms of invoices issued or to be issued or of payment notices expiring from 2 November 2023 to 2 May 2024 (including any related invoices to the fees foreseen by the sales operators or by the SII managers for the connection, activation, deactivation, transfer or takeover services);
- the suspension of credit recovery actions in the event of arrears, even if accrued prior to the date of 2 November 2023, they will be restarted after the deadline of 2 May 2024.
- Suspended invoices will be automatically paid in installments, without applying interest, for a maximum period of 12 months. The individual installments, charged according to billing periodicity, will have a minimum amount of 20.00 euros. Amounts less than 50.00 euros, total for each single supply subject to the disposition, are excluded from the installment obligations. If you do not wish to pay in instalments, you can pay the total invoice using the payment notices attached to the bill.
For any further information visit the Contacts.