Fiber Contract Summary

The contractual summaries provide the main elements of the offers

Everything you need to know about Enel Energia's Fiber offers. You will find, together with the contracts, the "contract summary" which summarize the economic conditions and the main characteristics of Enel Energia's commercial offers

Internet for your home

Navigate with Enel Energia fiber

Discover Enel Fibra FTTH, the stable and fast integrated connection that brings you closer to the world and people.

Price blocked for 1 year
Fiber offer for power and gas customers

Just for you who are already an electricity and gas customer with Enel Energia or will become one, Fibra simbolo fibra FTTH from Enel at a special price, blocked for 1 year.

Modem included and free activation
Prezzo originale
24,90 €/Month*
barrato. Prezzo attuale
19 ,90 €/month*

*The offers do not include voice service with consequent loss of landline telephone number in case of migration. The price includes VAT and the discount is valid only for new fiber customers who have signed an electricity supply contract with Enel Energia on the free market and an active or ongoing gas supply contract (excluding PLACET offers and the gradual protection service for non-vulnerable domestic customers). This discount will be recognized in full as long as both supplies remain active. Debit on current account or payment card mandatory for subscriptions via the web channel of all fiber offers. In case of withdrawal within 24 months, the customer will have to pay a deactivation cost of €22.40. Check if your home is covered by FTTH technology in the next steps.