Proposal for unilateral modification of the contract

In this section, you can find detailed information useful for understanding the content of the contractual changes that have been communicated to you.


Enel Energia has always been attentive to making customers aware of the contents of contracts.

On this page, you have all the information and insights related to the communication of IUS VARIANDI that we have sent you, which concerns certain articles of the General Supply Conditions of your contract.

By choosing the validity period that includes the contract subscription date, as indicated in the communication, you can compare the previous version of the article with the proposed new version.

The tables provided may contain additional articles compared to those communicated and subject to modification. Don't worry, the changes only affect the articles indicated in the communication we have forwarded to you. All other articles remain unchanged.

In the paper or email communication, you will find information on exercising the right of withdrawal if you do not wish to accept the proposed modification.