Service for Gradual Protections of Non-Vulnerable Domestic Customers


TheGradual Protection Serviceis the service introduced by ARERA, with Resolution 362/2023/R/eel, to accompany the passage of non-vulnerable domestic customers to the free electricity market.

Starting from 1 July 2024 all non-vulnerable domestic customers will automatically fall into the Gradual Protection Service, without any interruption in the supply of electricity that they will not have a seller on the open market.

For all customers it is possible to choose, at any time, an electricity supply contract on the free market.

Enel Energia won a public auction and was selected by the Single Buyer as the operator of the Gradual Protection for Non-Vulnerable Domestic Customers service for the supply period from 1 July 2024 to 31 March 2027, in these territorial areas:

North Area 1: Aosta, Biella, Milan province, Verbania, Vercelli 
Northern Area 2: Parma, Piacenza, Turin province 
Northern Area 5: Brescia, Milan municipality
Northern Area 9: Belluno, Gorizia, Pordenone, Treviso, Trieste 
North Area 10: Bolzano, Trento, Vicenza
Northern Area 11: Mantua, Modena, Reggio-Emilia, Verona 
Central Area 4: Rome municipality

Contractual conditions

The contractual conditions of the Gradual Protection Service applied to Non-vulnerable Domestic Customers are those provided for by the regulation of PLACET offers (Annex A to resolution 555/2017/R/com), limited to the following provisions :

a)   fixed fee contribution of 23 euros, excluding VAT, requested from the end customer in the case of a transfer request;

b)  debit of the security deposit in the first bill equal to 11.5 euros for each kW of contractually committed power, with the exception of cases in which payment is made by direct debit with direct debit of the bill to the current account (bank, postal or payment card) ;

c)   bimonthly billing;

d) possibility of requesting installment payments only for sums exceeding 50 euros, within ten days of the deadline set for payment of the invoice, according to the methods indicated in the invoice itself. If the Customer does not respect the payment deadline indicated in the invoice, the Supplier requires the Customer, in addition to the amount due, to pay late payment interest calculated on an annual basis and equal to the rate defined pursuant to Article 2 of Legislative Decree 24 June 1998, n. 213, increased by 3.5 percentage points.

Payment methods and bill delivering

For supplies coming from the enhanced protection service and activated in the Gradual Protection Service with effect from 1 July 2024 nothing changes compared to before.


  • If the bill is sent via email, any changes to the email/certified email address (PEC) must be communicated;
  • If the payment is made by debit from a current account (bank or postal), from 2 September 2024 direct debit will be active automatically, subject to successful completion, for bills issued by Enel Energia. Customers can revoke the direct debit authorization for Enel Energia bills at any time. If you want to revoke the greater protection, before 2 September 2024, even for bills issued and not expired by the merchant, you must contact your credit institution.

If the direct debit method is revoked or is not active, it is possible to choose the following payment methods:  

  • direct debit from a bank or postal account, payment card or PayPal account;
  • in the Customer Area, after registration, with credit card, BancomatPay account, PayPal, MyBank, pagoPA;
  • in the Enel Energia App with credit card, PayPal account, pagoPA;
  • Online payment notice via the website/app of your bank or other channels enabled by pagoPA;
  • in the area at the physical channels of Enel Energia (enabled Enel Space), in the bank, at the ATM, in the post office, in all post offices, at the supermarket and in all the authorized physical points.

To choose your payment method, contact our contact channels:

Enel Energia indicates the payment method in the bill issued twenty days before the due date. In the case of automatic debit from a current account, payment takes place on the due date.  

The customer can request a refund of the charge from their credit institution:

  • within eight weeks from the bill debit date, for operations authorized by him;
  • within thirteen months from the bill debit date, for unauthorized or incorrectly performed operations

For supply contracts activated in the Gradual Protection Service with effect from 1 August 2024 or later, the bills are sent in paper format and can be paid with payPa notice.

It is always possible to change the payment or bill shipping method as described in the previous paragraphs.

Economic conditions

The operator of gradual protection must offer customers the economic conditions defined by the art. 48 of the Integrated Text on Electricity Sales (TIV - Annex A to Resolution 362/2023/R/eel and subsequent amendments) which are divided into the following items:

1.  Matter/energy expenditureequal to the sum of the following fees

  • Domestic electricity fee, expressed in euro cents/kWh, to cover the costs of purchasing wholesale electricity, equal to the final monthly values ​​of the Single National Price (PUN) and increased by network losses
  • Gamma parameter (γ) determined by ARERA as the weighted average of the prices awarded in the tender updated annually expressed as a fixed quota (euro/withdrawal point/year)
  • Fees to cover other supply costs expressed in euro cents/kWh and determined by ARERA: fee to cover imbalance costs set for the entire service assignment period, fee to cover costs for updated dispatching quarterly, fee to cover the costs connected to the economic compensation mechanism.
Compensation Value Validity period of the

efficient household ("CSED”)

0,00056 €/kWh

1/07/2024 – 31/03/2027

dispatching for
domestics (“CDISPD”)

0,0236302 €/kWh July 2024
protection service
domestic graduals(“CPSTGD”)
-0,01603 €/kWh Updated
from ARERA
γ parameter -72,6542 €/POD/Year 1/07/2024 – 30/06/2025

2.  Cost of transport and management of the meter and Cost of system charges

  • These consist of the fees paid by Enel Energia in relation to electricity transport, distribution and metering services as well as system charges to cover costs for activities of general interest as defined, published and periodically updated by ARERA.

3.  Taxes and duties

For more information download the welcome communication.