Contractual and economic conditions
The contractual conditions are defined by ARERA and the price is determined on the basis of the results of the auctions.
The economic conditions are reported in the service activation communication and are made up of the following expense items:
- Matter-energy expenditure composed of:
- Energy component equal to the final monthly values of the Single National Price (PUN Index GME) possibly differentiated on the time slots which will be increased by the network losses applied as defined, published and updated by ARERA;
- Alpha parameter (hereinafter α) determined by ARERA as the weighted average of the prices awarded in the tender and expressed as an energy share. The parameter α will be updated by ARERA on an annual basis;
- Marketing fee determined by ARERA in € cents/kWh, for public lighting supplies, and in euros/withdrawal point/year for the remaining supplies for other uses;
- Fees (in € cents/kWh) determined by ARERA to cover the costs of imbalance, dispatching, the operator's economic compensation mechanism and payment for arrears;
- Expenditure for the transport charges and meter management service;
- Expenditure on system charges;
- duties and taxes;
Below is the detail of the amounts relating to Energy Expenditure:
Items on the invoice | Value | Reference period of the consideration |
α (alfa) parameter | α | -0,00166 €/kWh |
1/07/2024 – 30/06/2025 |
energy component | CEL | F0: 0,141284 €/kWh F1: 0,133837 €/kWh F2: 0,162745 €/kWh F3: 0,134409 €/kWh |
August 2024 |
dispatching | CDISP | 0,00586 €/kWh | September 2024 |
imbalance | CSB | 0,0004 €/kWh | 1/07/2024 – 31/03/2027 |
marketing | CCOM_IP CCOM_UD |
0,0004 €/kWh 35 €/POD/Year |
1/07/2024 – 31/03/2027 |
equalization | CPSTG | 0,00007 €/kWh | September 2024 |
compensation for arrears | CCM | 0,003119 €/kWh | September 2024 |
What to do after receiving the activation letter of the Gradual Protection Service for small businesses?
It is important to send the substitute declaration which certifies the requirements of Small Business. The declaration is attached to the letter and available in the forms on the website.
The declaration must be completed and returned within 30 days of receiving the letter, to one of our contact channels:
- E-mail:
- ordinary mail: "PO Box 8080 - 85100 Potenza (PZ)"
- shops: Spazio Enel or Spazio Enel Partner
How do you switch to the free market?
It is possible to switch to the free market at any time and without charges.
To find out about our offers, our contact channels are available:
- website;
- customer service with EnelClic;
- the closest Spazio Enel store.
For more information download the welcome communication.