Trend Gas Impresa

Warm up your business with many services dedicated to you


    Flag elemento 1
  • Choose between Bolletta Web or paper bill

  • Flag elemento 2
  • Gas raw material component at wholesale price (PSV) plus a small contribution to consumption

  • Flag elemento 3
  • Consumption contribution blocked for the first 12 months


Why it is convenient

With Trend Gas Impresa you pay the gas raw material component at the wholesale price (PSV), defined on a quarterly basis, with the addition of a small consumption contribution (α) fixed for the first 12 months starting from the date of activation of the supply. You can check the performance of the Virtual Exchange Point (PSV) on the website of the Energy Market Manager.

Clear contract

With at least 3 months' notice, we could communicate to you in writing the new economic conditions that will be applied to you. If you do not wish to accept the new economic conditions, you may terminate the contract by using a new provider. The economic conditions of the offer are valid for enrollments until 07/04/2025.


  • Business Customer Area

    The business customer area is designed to manage and monitor the supply for your company.

  • Dedicated Customer Service

    Contact us at 800900860! All the advice you want with a team of professionals at your disposal 7 days a week to help you solve any kind of problem.

  • Dedicated chat

    Overcome the barriers with our chat, or request a call back and you will be contacted by our team.

  • Digital Payments

    Choose your payment method! Thanks to digitalization, you can pay your bill securely and immediately.
