0,02226 €/kWh*
Consumption contribution (ɑ)
14,00 €/POD/Mese**
Direct debit from bank/ Payment notice
Energy component consisting of: PUN Index GME (wholesale price of the energy component) + consumption contribution (α) differentiated on time peaks (F1, F2, F3) excluding VAT and taxes.
PUN Index GME time slots:
F1 Peak: from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm from Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays
F2 Peak: from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm and from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm from Monday to Friday, Saturday from 07.00 am to 11.00 pm, excluding national holidays
F3 Peak: from 11.00 pm to 7.00 am from Monday to Saturday, Sunday and national holidays
*consumption contribution (α) including network losses, excluding VAT and taxes fixed for the first 12 months of supply to be added to the wholesale price of the energy component (PUN Index GME) differentiated on the time slots indicated above. The PUN Index GME, excluding VAT and taxes, will be increased by the network losses. Grid losses are applied as defined, published and updated by ARERA.
For more information, see the page dedicated to the PUN Index GME.
**The price refers to the marketing and sales price (CCV Luce) which, for the first 12 months of supply, will be equal to 168 €/POD/year (excluding VAT and taxes), to be paid on a monthly basis.
For information on all expense items, consult the technical and economic conditions of the offer.
Only the advantages of an indexed price, no surprises.
If the energy market price (PUN Index GME) goes down, you pay less; if it goes up, you pay no more than the cap for the energy component.
Consumption charge blocked for the first 12 months
Web bill included!
Flexible offer
With Enel Flex Control Luce you pay the energy component at the wholesale price (PUN Index GME) applied as a monthly average and defined on a monthly basis, with the addition of a small consumption charge (α) fixed for the first 12 months starting from the date of supply activation. You can check the Single National Price (PUN Index GME) on the Gestore Mercati Energetici website.
Why it is convenient
Enel Flex Control Luce is the indexed offer without surprises that puts a cap on the price of the energy component. If the PUN Index GME value exceeds the maximum threshold, the billed PUN price will be equal to the latter value and you will never pay more than €0.1468/kWh.
Clear contract
With at least 3 months' notice, we could communicate to you in writing the new economic conditions that will be applied to you. If you do not wish to accept the new economic conditions, you may terminate the contract by using a new provider. The economic conditions of the offer are valid for enrollments until 07/04/2025.